Keywords in Dart

Keywords are reserved words in Dart that have predefined meanings and cannot be used as identifiers such as variable names or function names. These words are integral to the language’s syntax and are used to define control structures, data types, and various other elements within a Dart program.

In the below PDF we discuss about Keywords in detail in simple language, Hope this will help in better understanding.

Common Dart Keywords:

  1. var: The var keyword is used to declare variables with implicit type inference. Dart determines the type of the variable based on the assigned value.
  2. final: The final keyword is used to declare variables whose values cannot be changed once assigned. It is often used for constants or variables that should not be reassigned.
  3. const: Similar to final, the const keyword is used to declare constants. However, const variables are implicitly final but are also compile-time constants.
  4. dynamic: The dynamic keyword is used to explicitly declare variables with dynamic typing. This means that the type of the variable can change during runtime.
  5. if, else: These keywords are used to define conditional statements. if is followed by a condition and executes a block of code if the condition is true. else is used to define an alternative block of code to execute if the condition is false.
  6. for, while, do-while: These keywords are used to define different types of loops for iterating over collections or executing code repeatedly based on certain conditions.
  7. switch, case, default: These keywords are used to define switch-case statements for executing different blocks of code based on the value of a variable.
  8. return: The return keyword is used to exit a function and return a value to the caller.
  9. class: The class keyword is used to define a new class in Dart. Classes are used to encapsulate data and behavior into objects.
  10. extends, implements: These keywords are used for inheritance and interface implementation, respectively. extends is used to create a subclass that inherits from another class, while implements is used to declare that a class implements a particular interface.


In conclusion, Keywords are the building blocks of any programming language, including Dart. Understanding these keywords is essential for writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code. In this blog post, we’ve explored some of the essential keywords in Dart and their functionalities. As you continue your journey with Dart, remember to leverage these keywords effectively to unlock the full potential of the language and develop robust applications.

Related Question

Keywords in Dart are reserved words that have predefined meanings and cannot be used as identifiers such as variable names or function names.

Keywords provide a structured syntax to the Dart language, allowing developers to write code that is easy to read, understand, and maintain. They also enforce certain language constructs and prevent misuse of certain language features.

The async keyword is used to mark a function as asynchronous, meaning it can perform operations concurrently with other functions. The await keyword is used inside an async function to pause the execution of the function until a Future completes, allowing asynchronous code to look and behave more like synchronous code.

The super keyword in Dart is used to refer to the superclass of the current class. It allows access to members (methods and properties) of the superclass when overriding those members in a subclass.

The get keyword in Dart is used to define a getter method for retrieving the value of a property. Getters are used to provide access to the value of a private variable outside the class in a controlled manner.


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