Data Types in Dart

Data types in Dart define the type of data that a variable can store. They specify the size and type of values that can be stored in an identifier. Dart, being a statically-typed language, requires variables to be declared with a specific data type before they can be used.

In the below PDF we discuss about Data Types in detail in simple language, Hope this will help in better understanding.

Types of Data Types in Dart

1.  Numbers:
Dart supports both integers and floating-point numbers. Integers can be either int or BigInt (for arbitrarily large integers), while floating-point numbers are represented by the double type.

int age = 25;
double height = 6.2;

2. Strings:
Strings represent sequences of characters. In Dart, strings can be defined using either single (‘) or double (“) quotes.

String name = 'John';

3. Booleans:
Booleans represent logical values – true or false. They are used in conditions and control flow statements.

bool isRaining = false;

4. Lists:
Lists in Dart represent ordered collections of objects. They are dynamic in size and can contain elements of different types.

List<int> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

5. Maps:
Maps are collections of key-value pairs, where each key is unique. They provide an efficient way to retrieve data based on keys.

Map<String, int> ages = {
'John': 25,
'Alice': 30,
'Bob': 28,

6. Sets:
Sets represent a collection of unique items. They are unordered and do not allow duplicate elements.

Set<String> uniqueNames = {'John', 'Alice', 'Bob'};


In conclusion, Understanding data types in Dart is essential for writing clear, concise, and bug-free code. By leveraging the various data types available in Dart, developers can effectively manage and manipulate data within their programs. Whether it’s simple integers and strings or complex data structures like lists and maps, Dart provides a rich set of data types to suit various programming needs. Mastery of these data types is key to becoming proficient in Dart programming and building robust applications.

Related Question

Data types in Dart refer to the classification of values that a variable can hold. Dart has a variety of built-in data types to represent different kinds of data.

Dart’s basic data types include integers, doubles, booleans, strings, lists, maps, and symbols.

Integers in Dart are represented using the int type, which can hold whole numbers without a decimal point.

The symbol data type in Dart is represented by the Symbol class, and it is used to represent identifiers in Dart programs.

In Dart, variables can be assigned data types explicitly using type annotations, or Dart can infer the data type from the assigned value.



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