HTML Lists

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) serves as the foundation upon which websites are built. It’s like the canvas of a painting, providing structure and organization to the content that makes up a web page. One essential aspect of HTML that brings order and readability to your web content is lists. HTML lists are a simple yet powerful way to present information in a structured and visually appealing manner.

Lists are an integral part of web design because they allow you to organize and present information in a readable and easily digestible format.

In the below PDF we discuss about HTML Lists in detail in simple language, Hope this will help in better understanding.

Types of HTML Lists:

HTML offers three primary types of lists:

1.  Ordered Lists (ol):
Ordered lists are used when the sequence of items is important. Each item is preceded by a number or letter (by default, it’s numbers) that indicates its order. To create an ordered list, use the <ol> element.

<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>

2. Unordered Lists (ul):
Unordered lists are used when the order of items doesn’t matter. Each item is preceded by a bullet point. To create an unordered list, use the <ul> element.

<li>Item A</li>
<li>Item B</li>
<li>Item C</li>

3. Definition Lists (dl):
Definition lists are used when you want to define terms or create glossaries. They consist of pairs of terms and their definitions. To create a definition list, use the <dl> element along with <dt> for terms and <dd> for definitions.

<dt>Term 1</dt>
<dd>Definition 1</dd>
<dt>Term 2</dt>
<dd>Definition 2</dd>

Related Question

An HTML list is a way to organize and structure content on a web page by grouping items together.

HTML supports three types of lists: ordered lists (<ol>), unordered lists (<ul>), and definition lists (<dl>).

An ordered list (<ol>) is used to create a list of items in a specific order, typically with numbers or letters to indicate the sequence.

An unordered list (<ul>) is used to create a list of items without any specific order, typically with bullet points as the default marker.


List items are created using the <li> element. They are placed within either an <ol> for ordered lists or a <ul> for unordered lists.



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