CSS Display Property

The display property in CSS dictates how an HTML element should be rendered on the page. It influences the layout behavior, allowing developers to choose between various display values to achieve the desired structure. The display property is incredibly versatile, offering options ranging from block and inline to more modern flex and grid layouts.
It essentially defines how an HTML element should be displayed on the webpage. The default value for most elements is ‘display: block’ or ‘display: inline,’ depending on the type of element.

In the below PDF we discuss about  CSS Display Property in detail in simple language, Hope this will help in better understanding.

Display Property elements:

1.  Block and Inline Elements:
By default, HTML elements are either block-level or inline-level. Block-level elements start on a new line and stretch the full width of their container, creating a distinct “block.” Examples include div, p, and heading elements. On the other hand, inline-level elements flow within the content and do not start on a new line. Common inline elements include span, strong, and a.

To explicitly set the display property, you can use CSS like this:

.block-element {
display: block;

.inline-element {
display: inline;

2. Flexbox Layout:
Flexbox, short for flexible box, is a modern layout model that simplifies the design of complex and responsive user interfaces. The display property is set to “flex” to enable flexbox on a container, allowing child elements to be easily aligned, justified, and reordered. Flexbox excels in creating one-dimensional layouts, such as navigation bars or evenly spaced items.

.flex-container {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;

3. Grid Layout:
Grid layout is another powerful CSS feature that enables two-dimensional layouts, making it ideal for designing complex page structures. By setting the display property to “grid” on a container, you can define rows and columns, providing precise control over the placement of elements within the grid.

.grid-container {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 2fr 1fr;

Related Question

The CSS Display property is used to control the layout behavior of an HTML element. It defines how an element should be displayed in terms of box model properties such as block, inline, inline-block, and more.

The display: none; value can be applied to the CSS Display property to hide an element. This makes the element invisible and removes it from the page layout, effectively taking up no space.

By using media queries and adjusting the display property, you can create responsive layouts. For instance, you might switch an element from block to inline on smaller screens, changing its layout to better suit the available space.

Yes, you can remove the outline for a specific element by setting the outline property to “none” or by using outline: 0;. However, it’s crucial to consider accessibility, as outlines are often used for keyboard navigation and focus indicators.



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