Javascript Tutorial

JavaScript JSON

JavaScript JSON JSON stands for Javascript Object Notation. JSON is a text-based data format that represents structured data in the form of key-value pairs. It is widely used for exchanging data between a server and a web application, and it has become the de facto standard for web APIs. JSON is language-independent, making it a …

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JavaScript Function Generator

JavaScript Function Generator Function generators, introduced in ECMAScript 6 (ES6), are a unique feature of JavaScript that allows developers to create iterators and control the flow of execution in a more sophisticated manner. Unlike regular functions, generators allow you to pause and resume their execution, making them particularly useful for asynchronous programming, dealing with large …

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JavaScript WeakSet

JavaScript WeakSet A WeakSet is a collection of objects where each object must be unique. Unlike regular Sets in JavaScript, WeakSets hold “weak” references to the objects they store. This means that if an object is present only in a WeakSet and is not referenced elsewhere in the code, it becomes eligible for garbage collection.For …

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JavaScript WeakMap

JavaScript WeakMap A WeakMap is a collection of key-value pairs, similar to a regular Map object in JavaScript. However, there are key differences that make WeakMap unique and particularly useful in certain scenarios. The most significant distinction lies in how it handles object references. In a WeakMap, keys must be objects, and values can be …

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JavaScript Proxy

JavaScript Proxy A JavaScript Proxy serves as a intermediary object, allowing developers to intercept and customize fundamental operations on objects. Think of it as a guardian standing between your code and the object it interacts with, granting you unprecedented control over the behavior of the target object. In the below PDF we discuss about Javascript …

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JavaScript Boolean

JavaScript Boolean JavaScript Boolean is a data type that can have one of two values: true or false. Booleans are essential in programming as they are the building blocks for logical expressions and decision-making within code. Declaring and Assigning Boolean Values: Declaring and assigning Boolean values is a straightforward process in JavaScript. Developers can use …

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JavaScript BigInt

JavaScript BigInt JavaScript BigInt represented numbers using the Number primitive type, but there were limitations when dealing with very large integers. Enter BigInt, a new numeric primitive in JavaScript designed to handle integers of arbitrary precision. BigInts can represent integers with arbitrary precision, allowing developers to work with numbers beyond the constraints of traditional JavaScript …

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JavaScript Promise

JavaScript Promise JavaScript Promises are an abstraction that simplifies working with asynchronous operations. A Promise represents the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation, and its resulting value. Instead of relying on callbacks or event listeners, Promises offer a cleaner and more structured way to handle asynchronous code. Creating a Promise: To create a …

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JavaScript Date Object

JavaScript Date Objects The JavaScript Date object is designed to work with dates and times, providing a comprehensive set of methods for creating, manipulating, and formatting date and time values. It represents a point in time, with precision down to milliseconds, and can be utilized to perform various operations on dates. Creating Date Objects: To …

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JavaScript Set

JavaScript Set A Set in JavaScript is a collection of unique values, where each value must be distinct. Unlike arrays, Sets do not allow duplicate entries, making them ideal for scenarios where uniqueness is crucial. You can initialize a Set with values during creation or add and remove values dynamically. Creating a Set:Creating a Set …

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