Buttons in Flutter

Buttons are fundamental components in user interfaces, enabling users to interact with applications by triggering specific actions or navigating through different sections. In Flutter, Google’s UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications, there are several types of buttons, each serving distinct purposes and offering unique visual styles

In the below PDF we discuss about Flutter Buttons  in detail in simple language, Hope this will help in better understanding.

Types of Flutter Buttons:

In Flutter, there are several types of buttons available, each serving different purposes and catering to various design needs. Here’s an overview of the commonly used types of buttons in Flutter:

  1. ElevatedButton: This is a material design button that displays an elevation shadow when pressed. It typically represents the primary action in an app and is visually prominent with its filled background and optional icon and label.
  2. TextButton: A simple button with no elevation or fill color. TextButtons are typically used for less prominent actions within an app’s interface. They are often styled with text alone or with an icon and text.
  3. OutlinedButton: As the name suggests, this button has an outlined border without a filled background. OutlinedButtons are suitable for actions that require more emphasis than a TextButton but less than an ElevatedButton. They provide a clean and minimalistic appearance.
  4. IconButton: This type of button consists of an icon without any visible background. IconButtons are commonly used for actions that involve toggling states or navigating within an app. They are compact and ideal for placing in app bars, toolbars, or as part of a button cluster.
  5. DropdownButton: Unlike the previous types, a DropdownButton is used to display a dropdown menu of selectable options when tapped. It typically consists of a text label and an arrow icon to indicate the dropdown functionality. DropdownButtons are useful for presenting a list of choices to the user.
  6. PopupMenuButton: Similar to the DropdownButton, a PopupMenuButton displays a popup menu of selectable options when tapped. However, PopupMenuButtons are typically used in contexts where space is limited, such as within app bars or overflow menus. They are represented by an icon, and the menu appears when the icon is tapped.
  7. ToggleButton: ToggleButtons allow users to select multiple options from a predefined set of choices. Each option is represented by a button that can be toggled on or off independently. ToggleButtons are useful for implementing settings screens or filters within an app.

These are some of the primary types of buttons available in Flutter, each offering unique functionality and visual appearance to enhance user interaction within Flutter applications. Depending on the specific requirements of an app’s design and functionality, developers can choose the most suitable type of button to create a seamless and intuitive user experience.

Customizing Button Widgets:

Flutter provides extensive customization options for button widgets, allowing developers to tailor them to their app’s design language. Some of the common properties that can be customized include:

  • Color: You can set the background color of the button using the color property. For elevated buttons, this changes the background color when the button is pressed.
  • Text Style: Customize the text appearance using properties like textStyle, textTheme, and textTheme.
  • Shape: Flutter allows you to define custom shapes for your buttons using the shape property. This enables creating buttons with rounded corners, circular shapes, or even custom shapes.
  • Padding: Adjust the padding around the button’s content using the padding property, ensuring proper spacing and alignment within your UI.


In conclusion, Buttons play a crucial role in shaping the user experience of an app, and Flutter offers a comprehensive toolkit for creating highly customizable and interactive buttons. By understanding the basics, leveraging customization options, and following best practices, developers can create intuitive and visually appealing buttons that enhance the usability and aesthetic appeal of their Flutter applications. So go ahead, unleash the power of buttons in Flutter, and elevate your app’s user experience to new heights!

Related Question

Flutter buttons are interactive elements used to trigger actions in Flutter applications. They can be tapped or clicked by users to perform various tasks like submitting forms, navigating to different screens, or executing specific functions.

Flutter offers various types of buttons, including RaisedButton, FlatButton, IconButton, ElevatedButton, and FloatingActionButton, each with its own unique visual style and behavior.

RaisedButton typically appears with a shadow and has a background color when pressed, while FlatButton is a text-based button without any background or shadow.

Button taps in Flutter are handled using the onPressed property, where you can define the function or action to be executed when the button is pressed.

A TextEditingController in Flutter is a controller class that allows you to control the text being edited in a TextField. It provides methods to read and modify the text input programmatically.


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