Flutter Packages

Flutter Packages Flutter Packages are libraries of pre-written code that developers can integrate into their Flutter projects to add specific functionality. These packages are hosted on platforms like pub.dev, Flutter’s official package repository, making it easy for developers to discover, install, and use them in their projects. In the below PDF we discuss about Flutter …

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Flutter Navigation and Routing

Flutter Navigation and Routing Flutter Navigation and Routing refer to the mechanisms by which developers manage the flow of screens or pages within a Flutter application. In Flutter, navigation involves moving between different UI components, typically represented as routes, to enable users to interact with various parts of the application. Routing, on the other hand, …

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Flutter Themes

Flutter Themes Flutter Themes refer to a collection of design specifications and configurations that define the visual appearance of a Flutter application. These specifications include elements such as colors, typography, shapes, and more. By encapsulating these design elements into reusable sets, developers can ensure consistency and coherence in the user interface (UI) across different parts …

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Flutter Tooltip

Flutter Tooltip A Flutter Tooltip is a small, floating box that appears when a user hovers over or taps on a widget. It typically contains brief information about the purpose or function of the widget, offering users helpful hints and clarifications. This feature is especially useful in scenarios where certain UI elements might not be …

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Flutter Progress Bar

Flutter Progress Bar A Flutter progress bar is a graphical user interface (GUI) element used in Flutter applications to visually indicate the progress of a task or operation. It provides users with real-time feedback on the completion status of a process, such as file downloads, form submissions, or any other task that takes time to …

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Flutter Radio Button

Flutter Radio Button Flutter Radio buttons are a user interface component in Flutter, Google’s UI toolkit for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop. Radio buttons, also known as option buttons or radio options, allow users to select a single option from a predefined list of choices. In Flutter, radio buttons are typically …

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Flutter Checkbox

Flutter Checkbox Flutter Checkbox is a part of the Flutter framework’s material library, designed to create interactive checkboxes for both Android and iOS applications. It provides a visual representation of a binary choice, allowing users to toggle between two states: checked and unchecked. This simple yet powerful widget is widely used in forms, settings, and …

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Flutter GridView

Flutter GridView In Flutter, GridView is a widget that creates a scrollable, multi-child grid layout. It allows developers to arrange its children in a two-dimensional grid, making it ideal for displaying collections of items such as images, text, or other widgets in a grid format. GridView automatically arranges its children in rows and columns, adjusting …

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Flutter Lists

Flutter Lists In Flutter, Lists are a fundamental component used for displaying collections of data in a Scrollable format. They allow developers to present data in a structured manner, such as displaying a list of items vertically or horizontally, or arranging items in a grid layout.There are two primary types of lists: ListView and GridView. …

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