Flutter Lists

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In Flutter, Lists are a fundamental component used for displaying collections of data in a Scrollable format. They allow developers to present data in a structured manner, such as displaying a list of items vertically or horizontally, or arranging items in a grid layout.
There are two primary types of lists: ListView and GridView. ListView is used to display a list of items vertically or horizontally, while GridView is used to display items in a grid format.

In the below PDF we discuss about Flutter Lists in detail in simple language, Hope this will help in better understanding.

Types of Lists in Flutter:

1. ListView:
ListView is used to display a scrollable list of items either vertically or horizontally. It is highly customizable and supports various features such as separators between items, different scroll physics, and infinite scrolling.

Basic Implementation of ListView:
To create a basic ListView in Flutter, you can use the ListView widget. Here’s a simple example:

children: <Widget>[
title: Text('Item 1'),
title: Text('Item 2'),
// Add more list items as needed

This code snippet creates a vertical ListView with two ListTile items.

ListView Features:
Flutter provides various features to customize and enhance ListView. Some of the commonly used features include:

  • Separators: You can add dividers or custom separators between list items using the Divider widget or the ListTile.divideTiles() method.
  • Scroll physics: You can customize the scrolling behavior of ListView using different ScrollPhysics such as BouncingScrollPhysics or ClampingScrollPhysics.
  • Infinite scrolling: Implementing infinite scrolling in ListView allows you to load more data as the user scrolls down. This can be achieved using the ScrollController and listening to scroll events.

2. GridView:
GridView is used to display items in a two-dimensional grid layout. It allows developers to specify the number of columns and rows, and items are laid out accordingly. Like ListView, GridView is customizable and supports features such as custom grid items, spacing between items, and dynamic grid generation.

Basic Implementation of  GridView:
GridView is used to display items in a two-dimensional grid. Here’s a basic example of implementing a simple GridView:

crossAxisCount: 2,
children: List.generate(4, (index) {
return Center(
child: Text(
'Item $index',
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline6,

This code snippet creates a GridView with 2 columns and 2 rows.

GridView Features:
Similar to ListView, GridView in Flutter also offers various customization options:

  • Custom grid items: You can create custom grid items by specifying the itemBuilder property of GridView.builder().
  • Grid spacing: You can add spacing between grid items using the GridView’s gridDelegate property.
  • Dynamic grid: GridView.builder() allows you to build a dynamic grid with a large number of items efficiently by lazily loading items as they become visible.


In conclusion, Flutter lists are powerful widgets for displaying dynamic content in your app. Whether you need to display a simple list of items or a complex grid layout, Flutter provides a robust set of features to meet your needs. By mastering ListView and GridView, you can create engaging and efficient user interfaces for your Flutter applications. Experiment with different configurations and explore advanced features to unleash the full potential of Flutter lists in your projects. Happy coding!

Related Question

Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

Flutter lists are widgets used to display a list of items in a vertically scrolling manner. They efficiently handle large amounts of data and provide built-in support for various list layouts and customization options.

You can customize the appearance of list items using various properties available in widgets like ListTile or by creating custom widgets and using them as list items. Common customization options include colors, fonts, icons, and onTap callbacks for interaction.

You can handle user interaction with list items by using onTap callbacks in widgets like ListTile or GestureDetector. These callbacks allow you to define actions to be performed when a user taps on a list item.

To efficiently manage large lists in Flutter, you can use widgets like ListView.builder or GridView.builder, which create items dynamically as they are scrolled into view. This approach saves memory by only creating widgets for visible items.


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