Multithreading in Java

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Multithreading refers to the concurrent execution of multiple threads within a single process. In Java, a thread represents the smallest unit of execution within a program. By leveraging multithreading, developers can perform multiple tasks simultaneously, thereby maximizing resource utilization and improving application performance.

In the below PDF we discuss about Multithreading in Java  in detail in simple language, Hope this will help in better understanding.

Creating Threads in Java:

In Java, there are two primary ways to create threads:

1. Extending the Thread Class:

Developers can create a new class that extends the Thread class and overrides its run() method. This method encapsulates the code that will be executed concurrently within the thread.

class MyThread extends Thread {
public void run() {
// Code to be executed concurrently

2. Implementing the Runnable Interface:

Alternatively, developers can implement the Runnable interface and provide the concurrent code within the run() method. This approach offers greater flexibility as it allows the class to extend other classes if needed.

class MyRunnable implements Runnable {
public void run() {
// Code to be executed concurrently

Benefits of Multithreading:

  • Improved Performance: By distributing tasks across multiple threads, applications can effectively utilize available CPU cores, leading to enhanced throughput and reduced execution time.
  • Enhanced Responsiveness: Multithreading prevents long-running tasks from blocking the user interface, ensuring smooth interaction and responsiveness in GUI-based applications.
  • Resource Utilization: Efficient use of system resources such as CPU and memory is achieved through parallel execution of tasks, maximizing overall system throughput.


In conclusion,Multithreading is a powerful technique for improving the performance and responsiveness of Java applications. By leveraging multiple threads, developers can maximize resource utilization and enhance user experience. However, it’s crucial to understand the fundamentals of multithreading and follow best practices to avoid pitfalls such as race conditions and deadlocks. With careful implementation and adherence to best practices, mastering multithreading in Java can unlock new possibilities for creating efficient and scalable software solutions.

Must Read: OOPs Concepts In Java, Classes & Objects in Java and Abstraction in Java

Related Question

Multithreading in Java refers to the concurrent execution of two or more threads within the same process. It allows programs to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, improving efficiency by utilizing available CPU resources effectively.

There are two main ways to create a thread in Java:

By extending the Thread class.
By implementing the Runnable interface and passing it to a Thread object.


To start a thread in Java, you call the start() method on the Thread object. This method invokes the run() method, causing the thread to begin execution.

The run() method contains the code that defines the behavior of the thread. When a thread is started, the JVM calls the run() method of the thread.

In Java, you can synchronize threads using:

Synchronized methods: Using the synchronized keyword to ensure only one thread can execute a synchronized method at a time.
Synchronized blocks: Using synchronized blocks to limit access to critical sections


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