There is lots of Colleges which are Affiliated with Krukshetra University . Also Krukshetra university offers many Under Graduate Courses as well as Post Graduate Courses. BTech in CSE, IT, ME and ECE are the most desirable Course from KUK. This page contains Kurukshetra university ECE syllabus (KUK Syllabus) of First year, Second year, Third year and Fourth year (1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th year) respectively.
Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) is an undergraduate program which is of a total of 4 years duration, divided into 8 semesters. Through this course, the students are provided with a curriculum of the specialized concept of ECE (Electronics and Communications Engineering) with in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of digital electronics and communication concepts.The various areas of concepts which are covered by B. Tech in ECE (Electronics and Communications Engineering) courses include Microprocessor, Electronics and Communication, Analog Transmission, Digital Communication, Analog Communication, Satellite Communication, Wave Progression, Microwave Engineering, etc.

Electronics and Communications Engineering Syllabus Important Facts
- This four-year course is divided into 8 semesters. Each semester has the required number of subjects, and the credits are rewarded accordingly.
- Subject related to Microprocessor, Electronics and Communication, Analog Transmission, Digital Communication, Analog Communication, Satellite Communication, Wave Progression, Microwave Engineering, etc. form part of the course structure.
- These subjects help the students gain an insight into technology and its application in the field of engineering related to Electronics . A lot of innovation and self-equipped skills would be essential in the duration of this course.
- Each student should obtain a minimum credit score to complete this course. There would also be a project which each student should undertake by the beginning of the fourth year. The duration and type of the project, along with its credit score, varies from one college/university to the other.
- Apart from the core subjects, students can take elective courses based on their choice and interests. These elective courses can be chosen during any semester at the students’ discretion. These elective courses vary from one college/university to the other.
Here, you can easily see as well as download the latest and updated Syllabus of 1st, 2nd & 3rd year of Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE)) of Kurukshetra University(KUK).