HTML audio tag

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The HTML audio tag, <audio>, is a fundamental part of HTML5 that allows web developers to embed audio content directly into web pages. This tag provides a structured way to add audio elements to your websites, making it easy for both developers and users to interact with audio content.

In the below PDF we discuss about HTML Audio Tag in detail in simple language, Hope this will help in better understanding.

Syntax of audio tag:

The basic syntax for the HTML audio tag is straightforward:

<audio controls>
<source src="your-audio-file.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support the audio element.

<audio>: This is the opening tag for the audio element.
controls: The controls attribute adds playback controls, such as play, pause, volume, and progress bar, to the audio player.
<source>: This tag specifies the audio source and its type. You can include multiple <source> tags with different formats to ensure compatibility with various browsers.

Attributes and Options:

The <audio> tag supports various attributes and options to enhance the audio experience:

  1. autoplay: This attribute automatically starts playing the audio when the page loads.
    loop: When set, the audio will continuously loop.
  2. preload: It specifies whether the audio should be loaded when the page loads. Options include “auto,” “metadata,” and “none.”
  3. controls: As mentioned earlier, this attribute adds playback controls.
  4. muted: This attribute starts the audio as muted.
  5. volume: You can set the default volume using this attribute (ranges from 0.0 to 1.0).
  6. poster: It defines an image to be displayed as a placeholder before the audio starts.

Applications of audio tag:

  • Music and Podcast Websites: Enabling playback of music tracks, albums, or podcasts directly on the webpage.
    Educational Platforms: Integrating audio lectures, language learning materials, and audiobooks.
  • Gaming Websites: Adding background music or sound effects to gaming interfaces.
  • Interactive Experiences: Creating interactive stories or experiences with audio elements for a more engaging user journey.

Related Question

The HTML <audio> tag is used to embed audio content, such as music or sound, into a web page.

To create an HTML <audio> element, you use the following code: <audio src=”audio.mp3″ controls></audio>. The src attribute specifies the audio file’s source, and the controls attribute adds playback controls.

The controls attribute adds audio playback controls to the audio player, allowing users to play, pause, adjust volume, and more.

You can provide fallback content inside the <audio> element, such as a text message or a link to the audio file, so that users with non-supporting browsers can access the audio.


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