Conditional Statements in Dart

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Conditional Statements, also known as control flow statements, are used to execute certain blocks of code based on whether a specified condition evaluates to true or false. These statements allow developers to create dynamic and responsive applications by making decisions at runtime.

In the below PDF we discuss about Conditional Statements in detail in simple language, Hope this will help in better understanding.

Types of Conditional Statements:

1. If Statement:
The simplest form of conditional statement in Dart is the “if” statement. It allows you to execute a block of code only if a specified condition is true.

Here’s a basic example:

void main() {
int x = 10;
if (x > 5) {
print("x is greater than 5");

In this example, the code inside the curly braces will only execute if the condition x > 5 evaluates to true.

2. If-else Statement:
The if-else statement in Dart extends the functionality of the if statement by providing an alternative block of code to execute when the condition is false.

Here’s an example:

void main() {
int x = 3;
if (x > 5) {
print("x is greater than 5");
} else {
print("x is not greater than 5");

In this example, if the condition x > 5 is false, the code inside the else block will execute.

3. else-if Statement:
In Dart, the else if statement allows you to evaluate multiple conditions sequentially after an initial if statement. This construct is useful when you have more than two possible outcomes and need to check each condition one by one. Let’s explore how the else if statement works with a simple example:

void main() {
int num = 10;

if (num > 10) {
print("$num is greater than 10");
} else if (num < 10) {
print("$num is less than 10");
} else {
print("$num is equal to 10");

4. Switch Statement:
The switch statement in Dart provides an alternative way to handle multiple conditions. It evaluates an expression and executes the code associated with the matching case label.

Here’s an example:

void main() {
String fruit = 'apple';
switch (fruit) {
case 'apple':
print('An apple a day keeps the doctor away');
case 'banana':
print('I love bananas');
print('Unknown fruit');

Switch statements are particularly useful when you have a fixed set of possible values to check against.


In conclusion, Conditional statements are powerful tools in Dart programming, allowing developers to write code that can make decisions at runtime. By mastering if, if-else, and switch statements, you can create more dynamic and responsive applications. Understanding the syntax and usage of these statements is essential for writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code in Dart. So, whether you’re building a simple application or a complex system, knowing how to use conditional statements effectively will undoubtedly enhance your development skills.

Related Question

Conditional statements in Dart are used to execute different blocks of code based on certain conditions. They allow the program to make decisions and control the flow of execution.

Dart supports if statements, if-else statements, and switch statements for implementing conditional logic.

The if statement in Dart evaluates a boolean expression and executes a block of code if the expression is true. It can be followed by an optional else block to execute alternative code if the expression is false.

Switch statements in Dart provide a way to select one of many blocks of code to be executed. They are particularly useful when dealing with multiple possible cases.

In Dart, you specify a value to be compared against multiple cases. When a match is found, the corresponding block of code is executed. Optionally, a default case can be used to handle values that don’t match any of the specified cases.


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