OS Tutorial

Operating System Tutorial

Interrupts in Operating System

Interrupts in Operating System (OS) Interrupts are signals or events that divert the attention of the central processing unit (CPU) from its current task to handle a specific event. These events can range from hardware-related issues, such as a keypress or mouse movement, to software-generated signals like system calls or program errors. Interrupts allow the …

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Paging in OS

Paging in OS Paging is a memory management scheme used by operating systems to enable efficient utilization of physical memory. The fundamental idea behind paging is to divide the physical memory into fixed-size blocks, known as “pages,” and the logical memory into corresponding-sized blocks called “frames.” These pages act as the smallest unit of data …

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Memory Management in OS

Memory Management In Operating System Memory management is a critical aspect of Operating systems (OS) that plays a pivotal role in ensuring efficient utilization of a computer’s resources. In essence, it is the process of controlling and coordinating computer memory, allowing applications and the OS itself to access the necessary data and instructions. This blog …

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Process Synchronization in OS

Process Synchronization in OS Process synchronization refers to the coordination and control of the execution order of processes in a concurrent system. In a multitasking environment, multiple processes often share resources, such as memory, files, and input/output devices. Without proper synchronization, conflicts can arise when multiple processes attempt to access or modify shared resources concurrently, …

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Types of Operating Systems

Types of Operating Systems An operating system is a set of software that acts as an intermediary between computer hardware and the applications or programs running on it. It serves as a bridge, enabling communication and coordination between various hardware components and ensuring efficient use of resources. In the below PDF we discuss about Operating …

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