Flutter Tutorial

Flutter Tutorial

Flutter Text

Flutter Text The Text widget is used to display a string of text in the user interface. It’s a fundamental widget for conveying information, messages, labels, and more within your app’s UI. The Text widget supports various styling options, allowing developers to customize the appearance of text according to their app’s design requirements. In the …

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Row and Column in Flutter

Row and Column in Flutter Rows and Columns are layout widgets in Flutter used for arranging child widgets either horizontally (in the case of Rows) or vertically (in the case of Columns). They are part of Flutter’s flexible and powerful layout system, allowing developers to create complex UI designs with ease.They provide a flexible and …

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Flutter Scaffold Class

Flutter Scaffold Class In Flutter, the Scaffold class is used to implement the basic layout structure of a material design application. It provides a framework for organizing the various visual elements of an app, such as app bars, drawers, and bottom navigation bars. In the below PDF we discuss about Scaffold Class  in detail in simple …

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Flutter Container Class

Flutter Container Class In Flutter, the Container class is a fundamental widget used to create visual elements with customizable properties such as alignment, padding, margin, borders, and decoration. It serves as a versatile and flexible layout widget that can contain other widgets and define their appearance and positioning within the user interface. In the below …

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Flutter Animation

Flutter Animation Flutter animation refers to the process of creating dynamic and interactive visual effects within Flutter applications. Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google, used for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop platforms from a single codebase. Animation in Flutter involves the manipulation of UI elements to …

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Flutter State Management

Flutter State Management State Management in Flutter refers to the process of managing and updating the state of a Flutter application. In Flutter, everything is a widget, and widgets often need to maintain some form of state. State management involves handling the data and UI changes within an application as it responds to user input, …

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Flutter Gestures

Flutter Gestures Flutter Gestures refer to the mechanisms within the Flutter framework that enable developers to detect and respond to various user interactions on the screen. These interactions include tapping, dragging, scrolling, pinching, rotating, and more. Flutter provides a comprehensive set of built-in gesture recognizers and widgets to facilitate the implementation of these interactions seamlessly. …

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Layouts in Flutter

Flutter Layouts In Flutter, layouts refer to the way in which widgets are arranged on the screen to create the user interface (UI) of an application. Layouts determine the structure and appearance of the app’s interface, including the positioning, sizing, and alignment of various widgets. Flutter provides a wide range of layout widgets that developers …

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Flutter Widgets

Flutter Widgets In Flutter, widgets are the basic building blocks used to construct user interfaces. Everything you see on the screen in a Flutter app, whether it’s a button, text field, image, or even the entire application itself, is represented by a widget. Widgets are used to define the structure, layout, and behavior of the …

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Flutter Architecture

Flutter Architecture Flutter follows a reactive and component-based architecture, allowing developers to create UI elements using widgets and manage state efficiently. However, when it comes to organizing code at a higher level, Flutter provides developers with the flexibility to choose from various architectural patterns based on their project requirements and preferences. In the below PDF …

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